(One) Level Up! Plus Other Enhancements

The Book of Icons has leveled up!

You can now advance your Icons to level one, which means (in v1.5 of the game) gaining a bond power, improving an action, earning 2 AP for new abilities, and unlocking your limit break.

I wasn’t sure whether I was going to wait for the upcoming rule changes to implement additional character advancement, but I wanted to work out the logic for actually leveling up and making changes to a character, even if the advancements themselves will have to change later. That said, there are a couple of caveats to note:

  1. I haven’t implemented talents for abilities yet since it seems like those will be changing substantially in the upcoming rules revision. You can only use your AP to select new abilities at level one (for now).
  2. The mid-level AP increase you get starting at level one isn’t in place yet. I’m planning to work that out in a future update.

I’ve also added a handful of enhancements to the character sheets:

  • You can now update / track your Icon’s XP by entering a value in the field next to the XP meter in the character sheet header. A”Level Up” button will appear when 15 XP is reached, though at level 0 it’s always visible since you level up after the first session.
    • Note: For now, the level up button won’t appear after you’ve hit level one since I haven’t added the progression rules for later levels yet.
  • There’s now a checkbox above the strain meter for setting whether your Icon is in a “broken” state. Checking this box will automatically clear any strain you’ve accumulated.
  • When picking actions penalties for a burden, the dropdowns will now only show eligible actions, i.e. actions that have at least one die.
  • When your Icon has any burdens, the action ratings on their narrative sheet will now reflect all penalties accumulated from those burdens.
  • The “bloodied”, “defeated”, and “fallen” statuses now appear above the health gauge when the appropriate HP / wound thresholds are reached.
  • The “Reset” button has been removed from the health gauge and been replaced by three new buttons that better align with the rules: “Cure”, “Rescue”, and “End Combat”, which each affect vigor and HP as specified by the rules.
  • The header above the character sheets now includes “Camp” and “Interlude” buttons, which will reset the relevant resources (HP, effort, strain, etc.) when clicked.
    • The “Delete” button that deletes the Icon has been moved to an overflow-style ellipsis menu to make room for these new buttons. A new dialog now prompts for confirmation before deleting the Icon.
  • Finally, the app will remember the last Icon you viewed and automatically load it when you land on the main page.

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