Hello, Arden Eld!

Announcing: The Book of ICONs

A character creation and management tool for ICON RPG

I've been hacking on a web app for creating ICON characters off and on for a couple of months and now have a prototype ready for people to take a look at.  It currently supports creation of level zero characters according to the ICON 1.5 rules.  Eventually, I'd like to support full character progression and character sheet management, but with the upcoming (likely significant) changes to the rules, I'll probably defer further progression support until that all shakes out.  I do have some other functionality in mind that I'll probably work on in the meantime, e.g. some way to view keyword definitions, ambition trackers, etc.

The app runs entirely in the browser and saves character data in IndexedDB, so all of your ICONs will stick around unless you clear your browser's site data.

If you're not familiar with ICON, the game PDF structures its rules into sections like "The Book of Tales" and "The Book of Battle", so the conceit for the app is that it's a companion "book" holding "records" for various ICONs.  Accordingly, I decided to loosely emulate the style of the game PDF in styling the app.

For those curious about the technical side of things, the app is implemented using TypeScript, SCSS, and Solid JS.  I'm planning to eventually open source the code and maybe host the app elsewhere, and will post that information when available.

Lastly, if anyone has feedback about the app, please leave a comment!  Happy to hear ideas for improvement!

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